This section of our site is dedicated to those people with special resume writing needs.
All the advice on this website and in our free resume writing ecourse is designed to help everyone, from entry-level professionals to the most senior executives.
That's because, In many ways career marketing is the same no matter what stage of your career you're at, or what your situation is. But there are some resumes that present special challenges, and this section of our website is designed to help those people.
First, we provide advice for senior-level executives, in our article The Executive Resume. Here we discuss the special challenges (and opportunities) inherent in writing a resume for senior-level positions. When employers recruit for such highly-paid jobs, they need to know that candidates can deliver real results, and the goal of an executive resume is to show this in no uncertain terms.
Next we deal with student resumes which present their own special challenges. How do you sell yourself when you have very little work experience? What should you include in your student resume? How can you differentiate yourself from other recent graduates? As you'll see, there are lots of options.

One of the most frequent questions I'm asked if about career change resumes. The truth is that making a career change requires a lot more than a good resume. You must also establish yourself in your target field and there are many ways to do this.
Often, people making a career change think that a functional resume is the answer. In my article on The Functional Resume, I explain what this means and why it is not always the best solution to presenting your background.
No matter what your unique situation, the principles of resume writing remain the same. The goal is always to show employers why you are uniquely qualified to meet their needs. This applies whether you're a new entrant into the workforce or a senior executive and it applies whether you have 15 years of experience in your field, or are looking to make a career change.
My article How to Write a Resume will be helpful to anyone as will Writing a Resume That Sells.
To learn how to completely transform your resume, sign up for my free resume writing course. We promise never to send sales spam.
Louise Fletcher is the President of Blue Sky Resumes, and Managing Editor and Co-founder of the preeminent careers blog, Career Hub. She is a Certified Professional Resume Writer and many of her resumes have been published in the JIST "Expert Resumes" series. She has contributed to many online publications including About.com, Monster.com, The Ladders, and Net Temps.
