Free resume writing help - How to generate interviews even in a down economy
Are you struggling to write a great resume? Do you wonder why recruiters are not calling back?
If so, you're not alone. Most people have no idea how to write an effective resume and, as a result, miss out on the best jobs.
The good news is that if you rework your resume, you will be streets ahead of your competition - and in this economy, that's priceless.
In this article, I'm going to teach you 3 resume writing principles that will transform your resume into a recruiter magnet and immediately put you ahead of your competition.
Resume Writing Principle #1 - It's Not About You!
That seems counter-intuitive, right? If it's your resume, it must be about you. But actually, that's the wrong focus.
Your goal is to make an employer want to talk to you. In order to do that, you have to focus on his or her needs, rather than your own. That means that the whole focus of your resume changes from 'explaining what I have done in my career' to 'showing how I can add value in my next position.'
In other words, you take the focus off yourself and place it onto the employer.
Resume Writing Principle #2 - Feel Their Pain
This relates to the first point - companies hire to meet a need. To write an effective resume, you must understand what that need is and then address it.
This may mean you need to do some research into the company, the industry or the field. If you already hold a similar position, you will already know what the issues and concerns are.
(If you'd like more detailed information about how to identify and address employer issues, so that your resume gets results, feel free to sign up for my resume writing course by clicking the banner below. It doesn't cost a penny, we never send spam or share your information, and you get instant access to the information).

Resume Writing Principle #3 - Demonstrate Value-Added
Don't write a resume that just recites your career history and responsibilities. this is the surest way to look and sound just like everyone else. Instead, focus on the impact you have made in each position.
How have you added value? How is the company better off because they hired you. What have they done that they wouldn't have done without you?
By demonstrating how you have added value in the past, you show that you will add value in the future.
Putting it All Together
To get an idea of how this works, check out our gallery of free resume samples. Each one demonstrates these 3 principles in action.
If you need more help, we've pulled together a great collection of resources for you.
Our free resume writing course will help you transform your own resume using my inside secrets. We promise never to send sales spam - only valuable content - and you can unsubscribe at any time.
I have also written my own course on resume writing and I invite you to check it out. The course takes you step-by-step through writing a great resume.
Finally, if you're thinking about hiring a professional resume writer, take a look at my article Choosing a Resume Writer. A professionally written resume is a very wise investment - as long as you are careful about making the right choice of writer.
You are also very welcome to visit our Blue Sky Resumes website and learn more about our professional services.
I hope you find this site helpful and I wish you every success with your new resume and your job search!

Louise Fletcher President, Blue Sky Resumes
