If you need help writing your resume, you've come to the right place! Browse our site and you'll find tons of helpful information about resume writing.
In articles like How to Write a Resume and Resume Writing Secrets, I share my own approach to resume writing, so that you can start to make improvements that will generate real results.
In Your Resume Format, I discuss the different resume formats and the pros and cons of each. And if you're still stuck, you can browse our selection of resume samples to get ideas for your own content and layout.
Straight talk about resume writing
If you've been surfing the web looking for resume writing help, you've probably come across a lot of sites promising a quick and easy solution to resume creation. They'll tell you to sign up for their online system and you'll have a resume in 10 minutes. Does this sound feasible to you?
The truth is that writing a resume well takes time and energy, but it's well worth the investment. Your resume may well be the most important document that you ever write. Think about it ... what other document represents you to complete strangers who have the power to determine your income? And yet most people have no idea how to write a truly effective resume.
To transform your own resume, sign up for my free resume writing course by just clicking the banner below. We never send sales spam - just valuable content.

Resume writing is like marketing
In Writing a Resume that Sells, I take you though some of the changes that will make your resume stand out from the crowd. The idea is to change the way you think about your resume. Don't look at it simply as a factual document that describes your history in chronological fashion.
Instead, think of it as an advertisement for you. Like an advertisement, it must distill the essence of who you are, and compel others to take action.
So How Are You Doing?
To see how you current resume stacks up, use my handy resume assessment questionnaire. This questionnaire takes you through the same process that I use when people ask me for help with their resume.
Be honest with yourself! Remember, your resume is one of the most important documents you will ever write, so make it the very best it can be.
Getting more help
We've done our best to compile a good selection of resume resources, but if you feel you need more help, check out the following:
- Sign up for our free resume writing e-course. Each lesson is delivered to your email. We guarantee your privacy and we will never use your email address for anything other than correspondence related to the e-course.
- Check out my book, "The DIY Guide to Writing a Killer Resume" which takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a great resume, and also includes 20 resume templates, tons of sample resumes, and additional free ebooks on cover letter writing and job
- If you'd like professional help, check out our professional resume writing service. Also read my article on choosing a resume writer. It's important to make sure you select a firm that's right for you.
In addition, you are welcome to read the Blue Sky Resumes Blog, which covers all aspects of resume writing and job search, or sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Louise Fletcher is the President of Blue Sky Resumes, and Managing Editor and Co-founder of the preeminent careers blog, Career Hub. She is a Certified Professional Resume Writer and many of her resumes have been published in the JIST "Expert Resumes" series. She has contributed to many online publications including,, The Ladders, and Net Temps.
